The Irishmen of PRIMORDIAL have been together for almost 20 years now and it´s about time to spread the message that they already belong to the immortal metal bands of our time. We say Primordial are the true heirs to Quorthon's legacy, and we defy anyone to hear their albums and tell us different. PRIMORDIAL´s new album “Redemption at the Puritan's Hand“ is hammerforged with huge, epic riffs that flow one into the other and carry the songs across the land like tidal waves. The sound is huge, fully as powerful as Bathory in their best works. This band is a MUST SEE at PARTY.SAN OA 2011!

- Origin:
- Style: Pagan/Black Metal
- Roots: Bathory, Celtic Frost, Skyclad
- Homepage:
- added on: 27.05.2011